These installation notes only apply to Muffin 0.10.4 and later versions
- JDK 1.4 or later: I am using SSL classes. It could work with JDK 1.2 and later if you use the JSSE extension and change the import statements.
- Change the run.bat and setenv.bat located in the root directory to
match your environnement settings or rewrite the (very small) scripts if you
don't run windows.
- Configure your browser to use a Proxy for HTTPS connections (and
HTTP if you want to). Set the proxy host to the name of the host
where Muffin is running and set the port to Muffin default port
, 51966.
- By default, conf/muffin.props will decrypt HTTPS and recrypt,
you can switch it off by changing parameters in this file. By
default, Logging of HTTPS requests and response headers are
turned on too. Log files will be written in the data directory.
Logging can be changed using the log4j file
and can be turned off completely by removing the Log Filter
with Muffin GUI or with the default.conf file. By default, urls
are not obscured during your surf. To turn that feature
(Anonymizer Filter) on, use the same procedure as for the Log
- Launch setenv.bat to set your environment variables.
- Launch run.bat.
Now you can explore the logs and see your requests (logs are located by default under the data directory).